New London Architecture

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Nathan Pierce

Head of Smart London Team and Sharing Cities Programme Director

Greater London Authority

Nathan Pierce
Nathan Pierce is the Head of the Smart London Team based in the Greater London Authority in the UK. He is also the Programme Director for Sharing Cities, a pan-European programme that tests out innovative smart city solutions across a number of major European cities, replicating and scaling what works through new business and investment models. Nathan has 15 years’ experience across a range of public sector bodies having led on major service design and commissioning projects within London and at a European level. Nathan is determined to improve the lives of regular people by finding innovative ways to make government more sustainable, efficient and citizen focused. 

Latest contributions

Improving public services through data sharing

Urban Innovation

30 November 2020

Improving public services through data sharing

How can London be empowered by better data and what can we do to foster collaboration and data sharing across the public and private sector? In this webinar, we heard about how the Internet of Things...

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Nathan Pierce