New London Architecture

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Peter Vernon


Grosvenor Hart Homes

Peter Vernon
Peter is the Chair of Grosvenor Hart Homes, a new initiative looking to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and young people and their families by providing high-quality affordable homes alongside tailored wrap around support services. He is the former Group Executive Director of Grosvenor responsible for the oversight of businesses in UK, Asia and North America, former chair of the Grosvenor Group Executive Committee and former CEO of Grosvenor Properties UK.Peter served as a Trustee of Peabody, a Non-Executive Director of The Berkeley Group plc., London First, the West End Partnership and the RSA Insurance Group London Regional Board. He was a member of the Policy Committee of the British Property Federation, the Government’s Montague Review of the Private Rented Sector, a commissioner of the independent City Growth Commission and a member of the Government Estates Regeneration Panel.

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Peter Vernon