New London Architecture

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Stuart Baillie

Head of Planning

Knight Frank

Stuart Baillie Expert panel member
Stuart is Head of Planning at Knight Frank and has more than 20 years’ experience of working in London. Stuart started his career with the Government Office for London before spending four years with the London Borough of Newham and then moving into consultancy roles for WSP, GL Hearn and now Knight Frank.
A specialist in Town Planning and Regeneration, Stuart oversees project delivery on a wide range of planning projects, coordinating multidisciplinary teams and working with stakeholders to deliver planning permissions. He works across all sectors and with a broad range of clients including investors/funds, housebuilders, housing associations and public sector agencies.
Stuart has led the analysis of the NLA’s London Tall Buildings Survey for several years and has been at the forefront of debate on the issues surrounding their impact and evolution. He has a particular interest in finding and testing all options to address London’s housing pressing supply issues.

NLA Expert Panel Chair for the Tall Buildings programme #NLATallBuildings

Latest contributions

Market cools for tall buildings but will the temperature rise high again?

Tall Buildings

24 June 2024

Market cools for tall buildings but will the temperature rise high again?

Stuart Baillie, Head of Planning at Knight Frank, discusses the significant change in investor and developer sentiment towards 20-storey plus tall buildings.

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Is building tall becoming a tall story?

Tall Buildings

21 November 2022

Is building tall becoming a tall story?

The NLA Expert Panel on Tall Buildings reconvened this month to consider the justification for tall buildings and what criteria are being used to assess them, Knight Frank's Stuart Baillie reports.

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Stuart Baillie Expert panel member