New London Architecture

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Ecocity World Summit – Breakfast Briefing


Wednesday 26 October 2022
08:30 - 09:30

Join us at this breakfast session to hear about the plans for the London Ecocity World Summit, hosted 6-8 June next year, at the Barbican Centre.
The Summit will bring together urban stakeholders from across the world to garner ideas and carve out plans for more socially responsible and sustainable cities. The programme will focus on four key topic areas – Biodiversity, New Lifestyles, Healthy Ecosystems and Regenerative Design, under the over-arching theme of ‘Connecting Communities’. 
There are lots of ways to get involved in the summit, whether it’s becoming a partner, sponsoring a session, submitting ideas and projects to the Open Call for Contributions, or attending as a delegate.



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Speaker biographies

Amy Chadwick Till

Programme Director (Mat Leave), NLA

Rosa Rogina

Director, London Festival of Architecture, NLA

Kirstin Miller

Executive Director, Ecocity Builders

Gonzalo Herrero Delicado

Director, Ecocity World Summit 2023

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The City Centre
80 Basinghall Street


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