Join NLA, Elementa Consulting and Lamington Group for a Study Tour of Room2 Chiswick which opened in December 2021 and is the world’s first whole life net zero ho(me)tel in London.
Current best practice only targets operational carbon, whereas this project includes all of the carbon emissions from raw materials, in-use, refurbishments through to end-of-life. The aim throughout has been to reduce these carbon emissions as much as possible, any unavoidable emissions have been offset through a verified and nature based carbon removal project.
The building is certified BREEAM excellent and is predicted to be 89% more energy efficient than a typical UK hotel. This has been achieved by specifying high performance and above best practice building fabrics and air permeability. Alongside, investing in technologies such as ground source heat pumps and piloting a low heat hot water system, expected to reduce energy use by 9%. The building has many stories to tell and is inspired by the rebellious arts and crafts movement, you'll find locally and hand made interiors, recycled fishing net carpets and low carbon choices throughout.
Please note this is an in person event and will take place on site at Room2 Chiswick. Capacity for this event is 25 and tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis.