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Planning for the future – London’s view


Friday 13 November 2020
10:00 - 11:00

After the consultation of the government’s Planning for the Future white paper, this webinar will hear from MHCLG on the proposed planning reforms and consider their implications for London. 
The Planning for the Future white paper published in August 2020, sets out the Government's proposals for major reforms of England's planning system. NLA has responded to the consultation joining forces with our cross-sector London-based members and soundings from the New London Sounding Board and the NLA Expert Panel on Planning. 
This webinar brings together experts to evaluate the challenges and opportunities of transforming the planning system for a strong post-covid recovery and better future.

To view the NLA response to the white paper, please click here.


10:00   Welcome from Chair 
Peter Murray, Curator-in-chief, NLA  
10:05   Planning for the future 
Joanna Averley, Chief Planner, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
10:20   Responses 
Jonny Popper, Managing Director, LCA and Chair NLA Expert Panel on Planning
Lisa Webb, Senior Planning Partner, Gerald Eve
Riette Oosthuizen, Head of Planning, HTA Design
Jörn Peters, Principal Strategic Planner, Greater London Authority
10:40   Panel discussion and Q&A
Speakers above
11:00   End

Speaker biographies

Jonny Popper

Chief Executive, LCA

Dr Riëtte Oosthuizen

MRTPI Partner, Planning, HTA Design LLP

Lisa Webb

Senior Planning Partner, Gerald Eve

Jörn Peters

Principal Strategic Planner, Greater London Authority

Joanna Averley

Chief Planner, Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Peter Murray

Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture





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