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Projects in Practice: residential tall buildings


Wednesday 05 May 2021
10:00 - 11:00

With over 90 per cent of the London tall buildings pipeline being residential, we take a look in details at one of the recently completed residential building, the 24-storey New Cooper Point, part of the wider Elephant Park masterplan. 
Following the release of the recent NLA’s London Tall Buildings Survey 2021, it is clear that residential tall buildings are continuing to be an important form of delivering housing in London, forming 90% of the 587 tall buildings currently in the pipeline. But what are the key design features to deliver high quality and fit for purpose residential tall buildings?
In this webinar, we hear from the team behind New Cooper Point, a recently completed 24-storey tower part of the wider Elephant Park masterplan to present the detailed design, specification and engineering of this building.
Detailed presentations from the project teams will go in depth into how this building has been designed and built.
New Cooper Point is a 24-storey tower, part of the Park Central North site within the wider Elephant Park masterplan. The masterplan preserved a high number of existing mature trees in and around the site which both contribute to the amenity of the area, and to the level of carbon reduction. It has retail at ground level, residential amenity space at level one and 23 floors of residential accommodation above comprising of a cruciform layout with eight dual aspect dwellings on each floor. New Cooper Point encourages healthy living by improving air quality and providing communal and publicly accessible spaces.


Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris 
Client: Lendlease Residential
Acoustic Engineer: Sandy Brown 
Approved Inspector: Southwark Council 
Developer: Lendlease Development 
Engineer: Robert Bird Group
Facade Engineer: Wintech
Fire Consultant: Buro Happold Fire
Landscape Architect: BBUK Landscape Architecture Landscape Architect: Gillespies (External)
M&E / Sustainability Engineer: AECOM 
Engineering Planning Consultant: DP9
Project Manager: Lendlease
Transport Consultant: Buro Happold

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10:00   Welcome from Chair
            Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture

10:05   New Cooper Point, Park Central North
            Andrew O’Donnell, Project Director, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
            Simon King, Director, Robert Bird Group
            Neesha Gopal, Head of Façades – Integrated Solutions, Europe, Lendlease
            Russ Edwards, Head of Product, Residential, Lendlease

10:45   Q&A

11:00   End

Speaker biographies

Andrew O’Donnell

Director, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA

Neesha Gopal

Head of Façades – Integrated Solutions - Europe, Lendlease

Simon King

Director, Robert Bird Group

Russ Edwards

Head of Product, Residential, Lendlease




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