New London Architecture

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Technical Briefing: Improving indoor air quality


Friday 19 May 2023
10:00 - 11:00

Join Carrier for this CIBSE approved CPD webinar hosted by NLA to learn more about the importance of indoor air quality.
Carrier will discuss the current guidance and legislation, share insights on the sources of indoor air pollution, and describe how technology and best practices can contribute to proper ventilation and air filtration, ultimately improving indoor air quality. 
Poor indoor air quality can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. With many people returning to the workplace and spending more of their leisure time indoors it is more important than ever to do everything we can to improve air quality. 
We will be sharing your details with Carrier so that they can distribute CPDs to all attendees.

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Speaker biographies

Matthew Maleki

High Rise Residential Vertical Manager, Carrier

Laura Bernard

Senior Programme Manager, NLA

Net Zero


NLA webinar on Zoom

Once you have registered, a reminder to confirm the event details and a link to access the webinar will be sent a day before the event. If you have any questions, please contact the NLA Events Team:

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