New London Architecture

Under one roof: the rise of intergenerational housing


Tuesday 27 October 2020
10:00 - 11:00

This webinar explores the new intergenerational housing projects that provide the mix of typologies that improve quality of life for all generations
The population is aging, ONS and GLA predict that by 2036 there will be a 50% increase of over-65s, yet there is a shortage of elderly living accommodation and those with larger homes are struggling to maintain the upkeep. With the increased cost of living and lack of affordable housing young people are living together in unsuitable, cramped accommodation or continuing to live at home with the family due to an unobtainable property market.
Is purpose built intergenerational housing the answer? Nurturing positive relationships between different ages, combatting social isolation for the elderly and cost of living for young adults. The pandemic has further highlighted the significant impact unsuitable living conditions and social isolation can have on quality of life.
This webinar explores the new projects being built that address this need and the different typologies available to all generations. 


10:00        Welcome from Chair 
                   Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture  
10:05        Simon Hodson, Head of UK Healthcare, JLL
10:20        Brendan Kilpatrick, Senior Partner, PRP
10:30        Maarit Heinonen-Smith, Studio Associate Director, IBI Group
10:40        Panel discussion and Q&A
                   With speakers above, plus
                   Nnenna Urum-Eke, Head of Development, LB Enfield
11:00        Close 

Speaker biographies

Simon Hodson

Head of Sustainability – Residential & Living – UK Capital Markets, JLL

Brendan Kilpatrick

Senior Partner, PRP Architects

Maarit Heinonen-Smith

Studio Associate Director, Arcadis

Nnenna Urum-Eke

Head of Development, London Borough of Enfield

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA





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