This webinar provides an update on the key trends and challenges at university sites across London, exploring the new campus developments adding value locally and globally.
As leading institutions of innovation, London universities need to continue to evolve to changing environmental, social, cultural and economic needs. Universities are adapting to these new challenges to provide pioneering facilities, collaborative social and study spaces as well as integrating themselves within the local area, providing opportunities for local people. The pandemic has catalysed collaboration between institutions and disciplines, highlighting the interconnections between them. Priorities have shifted to create environmentally sustainable buildings that recognise student wellbeing, such as new student centres that create flexible, collaborative spaces.
This webinar provides an update on the key trends and challenges at university sites across London, exploring the new campus developments adding value to local areas as well as on a global stage. What are the key new trends and what challenges do they face? How will universities continue to attract international students? What facilities are being offered, has this changed and adapted since Covid-19? How are growing campuses integrating into their locality and creating social value? How is collaboration being fostered at a local and global level and what are the future ambitions? How are they attracting and engaging with businesses and creating jobs? How are they collaborating with social and cultural institutions?
This content is only available to NLA members.
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10:00 Welcome from Chair
Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture
10:05 Update on LSE
Julian Robinson, Director of Estates, LSE
10:15 Update on UCL
Chris Shore, Director, Capital Projects, UCL
10:25 UCL East Marshgate
Gavin Henderson, Principal Director, Stanton Williams
10:35 Panel discussion
Speakers above
11:00 End
Speaker biographies
Chris Shore
Director, Capital Projects, University College London (UCL)
Julian Robinson
Director of Estates, London School of Economics
Gavin Henderson
Principal Director, Stanton Williams
Peter Murray OBE
Co-Founder, NLA