New London Architecture

50 of the best – Hilary Satchwell

Friday 13 May 2022

Hilary Satchwell

Managing Director
Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design

To celebrate the 50th edition of New London Quarterly, we thought it would be a good idea to ask 50 of built environment’s brightest and best one simple question: ‘What is the best thing about London?’ This week's response comes from Hilary Satchwell

The thing I love about London is its scale and urban grain.  Largely human scale, walkable, diverse, interesting routes and views, recognisable neighbourhoods and including such a mix of uses, activities, ancient and recent history.  The pattern of streets and brilliant parks and open spaces nearly always offers you a choice as to the best way to go and something new to discover.  Whilst bits of it are planned much of it really draws from its growth over time, sometimes haphazard, sometimes delightful, and (nearly) always able to support a real diversity of people, activity, place and opportunity.  When you come across a new bit that you’ve not seen before that taps into these special qualities of London, that add to this complex background without shouting it really lifts the spirit.  I am really glad it’s not perfect, that it has so much to offer, so much potential and is at the same time easy to identify with and feel part of.

Hilary Satchwell

Managing Director
Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design


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