New London Architecture

Industrial & Logistics: Can London Deliver?

Tuesday 28 February 2023

Download the full report here.
NLA's report ‘Industrial & Logistics: Can London Deliver?’ takes an in-depth look at London’s vital Industrial & Logistics sector, featuring exclusive viewpoints from key organisations in the industry – including the Greater London Authority, Aukett Swanke, Prologis UK, and Turley.
The industrial and logistics sector is a key component of the infrastructure that keeps the UK and London running. With £232 billion of GVA (a 14 per cent share of total economy) and 2.8 million Industrial and Logistics jobs in England, it is integral to the UK economy. However, in the last 20 years, London has released 24 per cent of its industrial floor space to other uses.
The report draws on research, interviews, and roundtable discussions with sector leaders, making recommendations of practical and realistic solutions for the future of London’s Industrial & Logistics sector in the following areas:
·       How can London deliver enough of the right sort of industrial space?
·       How can we rethink the logistics network?
·       In what ways is logistics a good neighbour and employer and how can this be optimised in London? 
Going beyond London, the report delves into how other cities around the world from New York to Tokyo have focussed on balancing goods movement and neighbourhood needs to create more liveable communities, and an extensive project showcase highlights the innovation and ambition of a sector that keeps London running.
Speaking at the report launch event, Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills, Jules Pipe CBE said: “We’re very pleased to engage with this study. The GLA has got its own land supply study that will be published later in the year that concurs with a lot of the NLA research, particularly around the low vacancy rate that exists and how hard it is to find appropriate space for those who need it.
“We’re about to draft London Plan guidance on the issue and we are hoping to consult on that in the summer and will continue to support NLA in this work.”
Peter Murray OBE, Co-Founder, New London Architecture said: “Long the poor cousin of planning, the industrial and logistics sector is now better recognised for the essential role it plays in the capital’s economy. However, questions of location, scale and integration remain as demand grows for accommodation in this crowded city. NLA studies like this keep a close eye on planning and development in the capital and how the built environment community is servicing the needs of the people of London.”
Robin Woodbridge, Senior VP and Head of Capital Deployment, Prologis UK said: “It’s been enjoyable to contribute to the NLA’s new report, exploring the opportunities the Industrial & Logistics sector can unlock in the capital. From decarbonising last mile deliveries to unlocking the value our sector can offer to communities through jobs, skills and biodiversity gain, the opportunities explored in the report are significant.”

Download the full report here.

Industrial & Logistics


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