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Wellbeing Expert Panel

Monday 30 January 2023

Romy Rawlings

Romy Rawlings

Commercial Director

The refreshed NLA Expert Panel on Wellbeing joins other panels in working collaboratively on the New London Agenda, which will ensure London’s future is resilient, inclusive, and sustainable. 

For this first meeting of year three, we summarised the outcomes of the previous cycle, and welcomed new panellists. With a focus on the potential introduction of a wellbeing standard for London, we explored issues around wellbeing standards within the built environment. Considering our aim of developing a framework against which effective wellbeing can be measured and delivered, we must surely enable healthy places that make a positive difference to the emotional, mental, and physical health of Londoners. 
There are clear crossovers with most of the other expert panels and we look forward to engaging with our co-experts to understand their specific focus and ensure wellbeing is intrinsically bound into every place and space. During our discussions, four key themes developed within a proposed holistic structure that will likely be handled by start and finish groups:
1. Definition/scope (greatest need, current issues) + timeframe (priorities and milestones for the next Mayoral term, with longer-term ambitions).

  • For example post-Covid workplaces; high streets.

2. Review, gap analysis and signposting of existing frameworks/standards.

  • City indices for wellbeing: is London already seen as an exemplar?
  • World Green Building Council, WELL/Fitwel/BREEAM/LEED, Future Generations Act Wales.

3. Understand best practices (how relevant standards are delivered).

  • How do we measure wellbeing (quantitative box-ticking or qualitative analysis that’s hard to pin down?)
  • Flexibility, quality, function.
  • Include meanwhile use and post-occupancy, which are often overlooked.

4. Place, including the public realm.

  • For example safety; loneliness; affordable workspaces; unhealthy places/spaces; social value; inclusivity; community engagement.

Ultimately, we hope to see this potential framework proposed to the Mayor, translated into policy, and delivered by dedicated personnel who have the wellbeing of our capital at heart. Through the expertise and enthusiasm of this panel, that seems entirely possible.

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Romy Rawlings

Romy Rawlings

Commercial Director




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