Saturday 08 May 2021
City of London
08 May 2021
The City denies it will be converting offices to Resi
The City of London has denied that it will be turning office towers into homes. In this interview, Policy Chair Catherine McGuinness tells Peter Murray that recent press headlines on stories about the...
Read moreExhibition
At 12.5 metres-long, the 1:2000 scale London model covers more than 85 square kilometres of London, 19 Boroughs and appr...
London's Growing Up: A Decade of Building Tall
Delving into a decade of building tall, this anniversary edition sheds light on how tall buildings have transformed Lond...
What’s driven our changing skyline?
Ahead of our 'London’s Growing Up! A decade of building tall’ report launch, Brian Smith of AECOM discusses the evolutio...
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