New London Architecture

New London Awards 2023 - Entry Requirements

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Submission Costs

If your company is a Business Member, please ensure that your profile is linked to your company's membership in order to make use of your discount - see how here.

Partner members – £219+VAT
Standard business members – £275+VAT
Full price (non-members) – £325+VAT

If you have any queries, please contact Eugenia Davidson on 020 7636 4044 or via

Project Listing Information

  • Title of the project
  • Name of company submitting the project
  • Main images: thumbnail image (dimensions 1440x1080px) and header image (dimensions 2048x1152px), header image credits
  • Select relevant topic: please select New London Awards
  • Basic project info (Borough, completions status, completion date, size (sqm), location)
  • Short project description max 200 characters 
  • Project team and their roles, listing the following: Client, Architect, Structural Engineer, M&E / Sustainability Engineer, Planning Consultant, Project Manager, Cost Consultant, Contractor, Developer, Other key project team members and their respective roles (up to 5)

New London Awards 2023 Form

Initial Information 
  • Completion status 
  • Company name of partner company (only applicable for joint submissions)
Project Description 
  • Overview of the scheme (max 100 words)
  • Outline how the project meets the judging criteria
  • Outline the project’s environmental, social and economic sustainability performance, including key metrics
  • Project postcode 
  • Project value 
  • Phase of project (only application to projects that are part of a phases scheme of wider masterplan)

Additional Information (Built Projects)

Sponsored by Urban Space Management

  • Please submit a diagram showing the old and new parts of the building. 
  • Please submit before and after images.

  • Number of units.
  • Please specify the tenure type and relevant percentages: i.e. % affordable, % social rent, % private.  

  • Please submit a key diagram of the masterplan: i.e. uses, density, connections, public realm.

  • Please specify the active period of the meanwhile project.

  • Please specify the type of uses and relevant percentage: i.e. % retail, % residential, % office. 
  • Please note that to classify in this category any use shouldn’t be more than 90% of the total.

Sponsored by REHAU

  • Please submit a diagram showing the old and new parts of the building. 
  • Please submit before and after images.

Special Prizes

Designing for Net Zero 2030
Supported by the Mayor of London

  • A max 500-word description of how the new building best demonstrates exemplary net zero principles, approaches and measures as integral aspects of outstanding architectural design. The winning project should also address how carbon consumption has been reduced through well-considered massing, site planning and detailed design moves at both building and neighbourhood scale.

Sponsored by Commonplace

  • A max 500-word description of how the project has positively impacted the community.
  • A max 300-word statement from a representative of the community.


  • A max 500-word description to illustrate how the project is sustainable.
  • Environmental Sustainability Prize documents to demonstrate how the project meets the criteria (max two A4 pages).

Sponsored by Airflow

  • A max 500-word description on how the project aids the physical and mental wellbeing of people that interact with it.

Supporting Material

  • Maximum 10 images, consisting of 5 interior, 5 exterior where applicable (high res JPGs, printable at 300dpi in A4, credit photographer in file name).
  • Drawing of the site map, file name to contain applicable credits (JPGs).
  • Drawing of ground floor plan in context, file name to contain applicable credits (JPGs).
  • Drawing of key sections, file name to contain applicable credits (JPGs).
  • Any addition drawings and images.
  • A PDF of a letter or email from the client giving permission.

Contact Information

  • Name of the person who we can contact regarding the submission.
  • Email address of this contact.
  • Phone number of contact.

Site Visits

  • Name of contact who can arrange site visits.
  • Email address of contact.
  • Phone number of contact.

Enter Now


Tuesday 30 May 2023, 6pm

Supported By

Official After Party Sponsor

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