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Oliver Gibson

Strategic Planning Officer

City of Westminster

Oliver Gibson
Oliver is a Strategic Planning Officer at Westminster City Council and is part of the Place Shaping and Town Planning team that delivers new development across the city in accordance with the council’s new City Plan. He studied town planning at the University of Manchester and is a chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Oliver has built up extensive knowledge and experience of development management and stakeholder engagement practices within the Westminster context. He currently supports the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning on strategic planning matters, offers technical professional advice on a wide range of planning considerations and leads on enhancement of the department’s digital presence and community engagement.

Latest contributions

Borough Briefing: Westminster City Council

London Boroughs

20 May 2021

Borough Briefing: Westminster City Council

In this Borough Briefing Westminster updated us on its plans to reinvent the Oxford Street District to support recovery of the city and ensure its long term successful future.

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Oliver Gibson