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Borough Briefing: Westminster City Council


Thursday 20 May 2021
10:00 - 11:00

Westminster provide an update on key priority areas including its plans for Oxford Street recovery, new policies in the City Plan 2019-2040 as well as their strategy for community engagement early in the planning process.
The Borough Briefing series provides a platform for local authorities to talk about some of the key issues affecting communities and neighbourhoods, creating a forum for promoting future plans of areas undergoing change and providing the wider industry valuable insight into the borough’s priorities.
In this Borough Briefing Westminster will update on its plans to reinvent the Oxford Street District to support recovery of the city and ensure its long term successful future. There will also be a policy update with an overview of key policy changes including their newly adopted City Plan 2019-2049 and forthcoming guidance on the environment, setting out how this will support ambitions to tackle the climate emergency. As well as an update on the draft new strategy to widen participation and promote early engagement in the planning process for local communities.

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Speaker biographies

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA

Michael Clarkson

Principal Policy Officer, City of Westminster

Deirdra Armsby

Director of Placeshaping and West End Partnership, City of Westminster

Oliver Gibson

Strategic Planning Officer, City of Westminster

Brendon Harper

Place Shaping Coordinator, City of Westminster

London Boroughs



City of Westminster


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