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APPG - Suburban Taskforce: An Inquiry into the Future of the Suburbs


Thursday 10 December 2020
12:00 - 13:00

Following the launch of the Suburban Taskforce, set up by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for London’s Planning and Built Environment in March 2020, and ‘Call for Evidence’ to support the inquiry, this session will invite the key contributors and MPs involved in the work to present the preliminary findings.
The Suburban Taskforce exists to understand what “suburban” really means in modern Britain and how we can ensure that the aspirations which we once held for our suburbs can be secured today. It is formed from a cross-party group of politicians, from different backgrounds who have come together to shine a light on the suburbs in order to identify and secure the clear, long-term and properly resourced policies needed to support thriving, sustainable and inclusive suburban areas.

The Taskforce is co-chaired by Dr Rupa Huq MP and David Simmons MP and it aims to support the long-term sustainability of suburban areas. The Taskforce seeks to identify national trends but, in its first phase, have particular regard to London. When identifying solutions, it will pay attention to current circumstances (social, economic and environmental) as well as policy tools available (taxation, investment and the planning system).  It is supported by UCL’s Bartlett School of Planning, the All Party Parliamentary Group for London’s Planning and Built Environment, and the expert Advisory Board.

APPG for London’s Planning and Built Environment

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for London's Planning and Built Environment was established in 2015 by the London Society, which provides the secretariat in partnership with New London Architecture and Local Dialogue. Chaired by Rupa Huq MP, it focuses on the key issues facing London and its changing shape.

The group brings together MPs and Peers from across the political parties to develop in-depth inquiries, drawing upon expertise and evidence from industry, built environment professionals and political parties amongst other stakeholders.

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12:00   Welcome from Chair 
             Rupa Huq MP
12:05   Introduction to the Suburban Taskforce
             Jonathan Manns, Board Director, Head of Planning & Development, Rockwell 
12:10   Suburban Taskforce – preliminary findings
             Dr Lucy Natarajan, Senior Lecturer, The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London 
             Dr Dimitrios Panayotopoulos, The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London 
12.25   Q&A from MPs
12.30   Call for evidence short presentations
             12.30 - Prof Laura Vaughan, Professor of Urban Form and Society and the Director of the Space Syntax Laboratory at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
             12.35 - Richard Stacey, Managing Director, Evoke
             12.40 - Georgina Day, Economic Development Officer, LB Enfield
             12.45 - Nicholas Boys Smith, Founding Director, Create Streets
12:50  Q&A
12:55  Closing Remarks
             Peter Murray, Curator in Chief, New London Architecture
13:00   End

Speaker biographies

Rupa Huq

MP, LB Ealing Central and Acton

Jonathan Manns

Board Director, Head of Planning & Development, Rockwell

Georgie Day

Economic Development Officer, London Borough of Enfield

Richard Stacey

Managing Director, Evoke

Prof Laura Vaughan

Director, Space Syntax Laboratory, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

Nicholas Boys Smith

Director, Create Streets

Dr Lucy Natarajan

Associate Professor, The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London

Dr Dimitrios Panayotopoulos

The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL


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