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Urban Green Infrastructure: All London Green Grid and Its Potentials


Tuesday 18 October 2022
08:30 - 10:30

Can we reinitiate the ‘All London Green Grid’?
Created in 2012, under the governance of the GLA, the ‘All London Green Grid’ aimed to build and manage a network of green infrastructure. This initiative followed on from successful local projects such as the East London Green Grid and the Thames Gateway Parklands. This tool identifies green infrastructure of multiple sizes and functions, both public and private: from green corridors to the blue grid, woodlands, footpaths, private gardens and allotments.

The ‘ALGG’ creates a framework that could be connected to other initiatives, strategies and policies to pool funding and share resources for mutual benefits. Could we then consider reactivating the ‘all London Green Grid’? How could we update it and ensure that it is fed regularly? How could the ALGG play a role in the New London Plan and the Netzero target for 2030? This brings together many stakeholders, whether at borough, city, developer, or community level.

In this breakfast talk, you will hear from the public and private sectors discuss the ALGG, existing tools and how the full potential of this major project could be realised on a local and city-wide scale.

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Speaker biographies

Amy Chadwick Till

Programme Director (Mat Leave), NLA

Prof Mark Brearley

Head of Cass Cities, London Metropolitan University and Proprietor, Kaymet

Diane Corfe

Technical Director, National Ecology Service Lead, Waterman Group

Giulia Robba

Senior Architect & Urban Designer, Farrells

Abby Crisostomo

Head of Green Infrastructure, GLA

Katrina Ramsey

Principal Policy & Programmes Officer, Green Infrastructure, Greater London Authority

Net Zero



The City Centre
80 Basinghall Street

Programme Champions

Introba UK
Hoare Lea
Waterman Group

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