New London Architecture

50 of the best - Manisha Patel

Tuesday 03 May 2022

Manisha Patel

Senior Partner
PRP Architects

To celebrate the 50th edition of New London Quarterly, we thought it would be a good idea to ask 50 of built environment’s brightest and best one simple question: ‘What is the best thing about London?’ This week's response comes from Manisha Patel, Senior Partner, PRP

What can you say about the best city on the planet?
Its capacity to bounce back from the worst calamities, from plague, war, terrorism and pandemic is astounding.  Diversity is its key – the richness of the city’s culture is a vital force in its ability to regenerate itself.  There are a myriad of micro and macro regeneration projects buzzing across the capital, even in these restricted times, from mean while uses, high street interventions to the regeneration of Clapham Park, Chobham Manor, Wornington Green and Northwick Park.  The city provides the canvas for us to challenge ourselves to do better, to ensure that the disadvantaged are not left behind, and that we include everyone in the city’s prosperity from those who suffer disability to those in need of new forms of inter-generational living and support.  London does not let us rest on our achievements.  It pushes us to lead on quality in all aspects of our lives, from design to environmental responsibility.

Manisha Patel

Senior Partner
PRP Architects


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