New London Architecture

New competition calls for transformation of traditional police box for the digital age

Monday 01 February 2021

A new design competition calls on architects, landscape architects, designers and artists to submit ideas for a 21st Century Police Box to support interaction with residents, workers and visitors in the Square Mile. 

The competition, being run by the City of London Corporation, the City of London Police, New London Architecture (NLA) and Bloomberg Associates, aims to provide a modern and engaging way to provide information and safety. 

The ‘Digital Service Point’ will creatively reinvent the way residents, workers and visitors to the Square Mile can contact authorities and gain information. They will also store medical equipment for emergency response. 

Ideas for stage one of the competition must be submitted by midday on 1 March 2021, with the shortlist due to be announced the following week.

NLA managing director Tamsie Thomson, said:

"The intersection of design and public infrastructure can be magical: think of Giles Gilbert Scott’s iconic red telephone boxes. And as any Dr Who fan knows, the old-fashioned blue police box has inspired many flights of fancy. Now we’re looking for another imaginative reinvention to grace the City’s streets and serve the public for years to come."

Oliver Sells QC, Chairman of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee at the City of London Corporation said:

"We are looking for ideas which will transform the traditional Police Box concept to something more suited to the modern day. Once the idea is developed and the Digital Service Points installed, these hubs will improve safety and security on City streets, helping to make the Square Mile even more appealing to our residents, workers and visitors. In keeping with the City’s ambition for our world-class public realm, we are encouraging designs that will improve the pedestrian experience while also being environmentally friendly and meeting the primary aim of keeping people safe." 

Dai Evans, Temporary Commander at the City of London Police said: 

"The digital service points will be an exciting additional means to help us prevent crime, deliver effective policing and keep our community safe; they will sit alongside our existing face-to-face contact with the public. City of London Police Dedicated Ward Officers continue to patrol the Square Mile, engaging with residents, visitors and businesses. Additionally, our Bishopsgate Police Station remains open for the public to get in contact with our officers." 

Todd Asher of Bloomberg Associates said:

"We commend the City of London and its partners for their forward-thinking initiative to better serve the public through the use of technology. We are pleased to provide insights from around the globe to help bring this idea to life in a way that serves all Londoners. Ideas for stage one of the competition must be submitted by midday on 1 March 2021, with the shortlist due to be announced the following week." 

Entry Information

The competition seeks innovative and feasible design solutions for a modern, multifunctional Digital Service Point that will seamlessly blend existing street furniture and physical infrastructure. Solutions should sensitive and complementary to the City public spaces and include amenities and digital technologies that serve the public and police.

A creative and sustainable, public intervention is desired to animate and enhance the City of London public realm and improve quality of life for local residents and businesses. Proposals should take a holistic design approach, offering a flexible and adaptable design solution that could be applied to a series of sites across the City of London.

Up to 6 shortlisted teams will be awarded £1,500 to develop a design proposal that can stimulate debate, address the needs and desires of local stakeholders, and positively influence the future direction for the project. Following the competition process, the winning team will be revealed in late May 2021 after which the City of London Police will start the process of raising the funding for the delivery of the selected design scheme.
see full submission details here


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