New London Architecture

Leathams, Old Kent Road

Planning Granted

As part of the OKR, the Leathams scheme would deliver 253 homes and 3,581 sqm of industrial use, reproviding and intensifying the commercial floorpsace. Designed for B8/ logistics on the lower floors.

As part of the Old Kent Road plan, the Leathams scheme, which would deliver 253 homes and 3,581 sqm of industrial use, reproviding and intensifying the commercial floorpsace. The scheme is an ambitious mixed used project to create an architecturally rich and robust building which will strengthen and celebrate the area’s industrial character. The site sits at 227-255 Ilderton Road and the development proposes the construction of a part 2/3, 9 and 28 storey (up to 94.65m AOD) mixed-use development comprising of 3,581 sqm industrial floorspace (Use Classes B1c/B8); and 253 residential apartments (C3), 35.75% affordable by habitable room. This scheme has been designed for B8/ logistics on the lower floors with 8m floor to ceiling heights and internal servicing arrangements which would allow for 24hrs servicing. A key aspect of the OKR AAP’s vision is to contribute to the diverse mix of existing uses that defines the area and will strengthen the special characteristics of the Old Kent Road, as a creative and productive part of London and its economy. [15:41] Chaumard, Alicia
Through the re-provision of truly industrial floorspace alongside residential accommodation, the proposal will help ‘grow Old Kent Road’s significant local economy.

'The plan proposes to mix employment and residential uses at a scale not seen before in London or the UK.' - Colin Wilson

Project information


Planning Granted




3581 sq m


January 2024


202 Ilderton Rd, London SE15 1NT, UK

Team Credits


London Borough of Southwark


Maccreanor Lavington

Planning Consultant

HGH Consulting


Leathams Property Development ltd

Last updated on


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