New London Architecture

Jaclyn Kaloczi

Senior Landscape Architect


Jaclyn Kaloczi
Jaclyn is a Senior Landscape Architect at BDP with 12 years of experience working in the UK, Canada and internationally. Jaclyn has a diverse background in design including environmental, industrial, interior, and landscape design. 

She holds a Bachelor of Environmental Design from OCAD University in Toronto and a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Alongside professional practice, Jaclyn is a lecturer in landscape architecture and urban design at the University of Greenwich and has served as an adjunct professor for the University of British Columbia. 

Jaclyn is passionate about creating big ideas and bold visions that revitalize and regenerate the public realm. She has been involved in the design and development of many street and public space schemes within London’s West End including Oxford Street and Circus, Grosvenor Street and the South Molton Triangle development. From large districts to streets and intimate urban spaces, these aim to establish world-class design thinking, provide people with meaningful and inclusive experiences, promote health, and transform climactic challenges into opportunities for innovative climate positive solutions. 

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