New London Architecture

Westminster: On Location

On Location

Thursday 12 September 2024
13:00 - 19:00

£394.80 (Incl. VAT)

This NLA On Location conference presents the transformation of Westminster, in association with the City of Westminster and sponsored by Arcadis.
Home to some of London’s most famous high streets, Westminster is adapting to new lifestyle patterns and shopping behaviours to attract people back to the city centre. This On Location conference brings together industry voices, local authorities, developers and major stakeholders to provide updates on sustainable strategies, placemaking initiatives, and ongoing projects.
What are the strategies to deliver sustainable developments and neighbourhoods in the borough? Facing multiple challenges and emerging ‘retrofit first’ approaches, how can public realm enhancements and retail destinations revitalise Westminster’s high streets?
Join us to hear how Westminster is evolving and creating a vibrant, fair, and sustainable urban environment.


Registration and refreshments

Session 1: Sustainable neighbourhoods – policy and practice 


Welcome from Chair
Catherine Staniland, Director, NLA 
Keynote: Strategy across the Council 
Debbie Jackson, Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning, Westminster City Council 
Sustainable Development and Placeshaping 
James Green, Director of Development, Westminster City Council  
Setereh Neshati, Head of Development, Westminster City Council 
Ebury Bridge & Meanwhile Projects
Emily Berwyn, Chief Executive, Meanwhile Space           
Panel discussion and Q&A
Emily Berwyn, Meanwhile Space 
Cllr Geoff Barraclough, Cabinet Member for Planning & Economic Development 
Cllr Ryan Jude, Cabinet Member for Climate, Ecology & Culture 
Krystin Shwendel-Smith, Associate Director, Buckley Gray Yeoman
End - 30 minute break

Session 2: Revitalising Westminster – public realm strategies 

Welcome from Chair 
Catherine Staniland, Director, NLA 
Keynote: The economic context of place shaping 
Stella Abani MBE, Director of Economy and Skills, Westminster City Council 
Revitalising Britain’s most famous High Streets: overview 
Richie Gibson, Director of Culture & Place Shaping, Westminster City Council 
Revitalising Britain’s most famous High Streets: Regent Street 
Daisy Narayanan, Director of Public Realm, The Crown Estate 
Panel discussion and Q&A
Richie Gibson, Director of Culture & Place Shaping, Westminster City Council 
Mark Williams, Deputy Chief Executive, HOLBA 
Jaclyn Kaloczi, Senior Landscape Architect, BDP

End - 30 minute break

Walking Tours 
Please see tour options below
Networking and drinks

Walking tours

A) Heritage: This tour will focus on a selection of listed heritage buildings in Westminster, where participants will hear about the council’s stewardship of their historic building stock.

Stops: Lillington Gardens, National Audit office, Ebury Edge
Contributors: Francesco Ferrari, Associate Structural Engineer, ARUP; Westminster City Council

B) Hubs of activity: This tour will cover hubs of activity in the area of Victoria, looking at how clusters of food, business, retail, fashion, workplaces and leisure are bringing new energy to the area.

Stops: Victoria Station, Hub Victoria, Eccleston Yards, Ebury Edge
Contributors: Alison Gregory, Director of Placeshaping and Sustainability, London HQ; Morrow + Lorraine; Francesco Ferrari, Associate Structural Engineer, ARUP; Westminster City Council

C) Central Westminster Projects: On this tour we will learn about some key projects and developments in the very centre of Westminster, from mixed-use to office and the public realm.

Stops: The Broadway, Christchurch Gardens, Greycoat Stores, Ebury Edge
Contributors: David Vazquez Rossainz, Associate Director, WSP; Ben Salter, Associate Director, SPPARC; Francesco Ferrari, Associate Structural Engineer, ARUP; Westminster City Council

Speaker biographies

Catherine Staniland

Director, New London Architecture

Debbie Jackson

Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning, City of Westminster

James Green

Director Of Development and Regeneration, City of Westminster

Emily Berwyn

Executive Director, Meanwhile Space

Mark Williams

Deputy Chief Executive, Heart of London Business Alliance

Cllr Geoff Barraclough

Cabinet Member for Planning & Economic Development, City of Westminster

Cllr Ryan Jude

Cabinet Member for Climate, Ecology & Culture, City of Westminster

Daisy Narayanan MBE

Director of Public Realm, The Crown Estate

Krystin Schwendel Smith

Associate Director, Buckley Gray Yeoman

Stella Abani MBE

Director of Economy and Skills, City of Westminster

Richie Gibson

Director of Culture and Place Shaping, City of Westminster

Jaclyn Kaloczi

Senior Landscape Architect, BDP

Setareh Neshati

Head of Development, City of Westminster

£394.80 (Incl. VAT)

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Westminster Chapel
Buckingham Gate 

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