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London Borough of Croydon

London Borough of Croydon

Significant change is planned for Croydon, which has been identified as a growth hub in the London Plan.
 A mix of new uses and development proposals are being planned and include new homes, offices, retail, cultural and leisure facilities. Regeneration potential is centred around central Croydon’s two railway hubs, East and West Croydon. The arrival of the East London line extension in 2010 will also bring significant benefits to the area.
In 2007 Alsop Consulting was commissioned to prepare a vison for central Croydon. The vision was launched following much public consultation and has been used to develop a number of significant projects. In order to realise the potential of local authority-owned assets, the Council, in partnership with private developer John Laing, has established an Urban Regeneration Vehicle (URV) on council land occupied by a number of central Croydon properties.

Contributors    Sorted by recent

London Borough of Croydon

Contact Details

London Borough of Croydon
Taberner House
Park Lane

Tel: 020 8726 6000

Projects    Sorted by recent

Idlewild Mews

Idlewild Mews


Idlewild Mews is an affordable-rent housing development for Croydon Council located within a complex infill site. The volumetric design ensures privacy for nearby residents while engendering a sense o

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Purley Way Masterplan

Purley Way Masterplan


A mixed-use masterplan to create a framework for high-quality development in the Purley Way, including new and intensified industrial uses and a step change in mixed-use and residential development.

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Croydon Smaller Sites Programme 2019

Croydon Smaller Sites Programme 2019


The 2019 development programme encompasses c.32 sites providing c.800 private and affordable homes on small, challenging sites in Croydon. Planning applications were submitted in Spring 2020.

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Croydon Urban Room

Croydon Urban Room


An agile kit-of-parts for meaningful civic engagement in Croydon; providing a platform for events and exhibition in familiar locations of exchange such as shopfronts on the high street.

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