New London Architecture

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London, Glasgow, Manchester – Becoming Truly Sustainable

Thursday 17 December 2020

Stephen O’Malley

Stephen O’Malley

Chief Executive

Brian Deegan

Brian Deegan

Technical Specialist
Transport for London

Dr. Paola Pasino

Dr. Paola Pasino

Principal Officer, City Centre Regeneration: City Centre City Deal and City Centre Strategy
Glasgow City Council

Damian Hemmings

Damian Hemmings

Principal Policy Officer (Environment), Innovation & Change
City of Westminster

Roger Hawkins

Roger Hawkins

Hawkins\Brown Ltd

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A Civic Engineers event, hosted by NLA.

Civic Engineers brought together speakers from the built environment and political landscape in Manchester, London and Glasgow.

Whilst their climate emergency challenges may be similar, each has its own unique character, history, landscape, priorities and plans as to how they propose to tackle the issues they face. Against the backdrop of the UK hosting the 26th UN global Climate Change Conference in Glasgow next November, this webinar will also explore what action the industry needs to take to tackle climate change and the importance of collaboration in working towards achieving true sustainability.


Welcome from the Chair
Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, NLA

Setting the scene
Stephen O’Malley, Co-Founding Director, Civic Engineers

Brian Deegan, Principal Design Engineer, Urban Movement

Paola Pasino, Principal Officer, City Centre Regeneration, Glasgow City Council

Damian Hemmings, Principal Policy Officer for Energy & Climate Policy, Westminster City Council

Roger Hawkins, Partner, Hawkins Brown

Panel discussion / Q&A

Stephen O’Malley

Stephen O’Malley

Chief Executive

Brian Deegan

Brian Deegan

Technical Specialist
Transport for London

Dr. Paola Pasino

Dr. Paola Pasino

Principal Officer, City Centre Regeneration: City Centre City Deal and City Centre Strategy
Glasgow City Council

Damian Hemmings

Damian Hemmings

Principal Policy Officer (Environment), Innovation & Change
City of Westminster

Roger Hawkins

Roger Hawkins

Hawkins\Brown Ltd

Net Zero


Programme Champions

Heyne Tillett Steel
Hoare Lea
Introba UK
Waterman Group


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